Today there's a big Thanksgiving gathering at the house where I'm staying.
Since I'm not going out, I set the intention to ask a guest.
As usual, I know who I want to ask when I see them, and tonight there's no denying that it's Kelly.
I catch her before she leaves. I forget to have my timer with me when I ask her, so I run to my room to fetch it. We sit on high bar chairs for our eye contact session. I think she's really pretty so it's great to gaze at her. My friend Mike comes over not long after the timer starts and attempts to interrupt us, and I shoo him away with a "nuh-uh" wave of my finger.
This session is the first session since my open eye meditation class and now I'm bringing something new to LMEC: instead of abstractly focusing on creating a space for the other person to be as vulnerable with me as they want to be, I'm attempting to do that by actively loving them and sending them positive energy for 60 seconds.
After the timer beeps we talk about my motivations for asking her in particular (because I'm attracted to her, and I tell her this) and for engaging in the practice generally. She allows me to take her picture, and after a few tries we get one she likes: